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The Second China-Malaysia Science & Technology Innovation Summit

On March 6th and 7th, 2024, The Second China-Malaysia Science & Technology Innovation Summit was successfully held, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia. To commemorate this historic milestone, under the theme "Fostering Collaborative Innovation Building the Future Together" the Second Cross-Border China-Malaysia Science and Technology Innovation Forum was organized for two consecutive days on March 6th and 7th, guided by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia and the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Malaysia. The event was hosted by TusStar and the Malaysia Research and Innovation Accelerator (MRANTI), with joint sponsorship from various organizations including the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shaanxi Sub-Council, Beijing Zhongguancun Science City Innovation Development Co., Ltd., Malaysia Digital Economy Development Agency (MDEC), RCEP Industrial Cooperation Committee, and the Tsinghua University Southeast Asia Center.

Themed around biomedicine, agricultural technology, and artificial intelligence, the forum employed diverse formats such as opening ceremonies, thematic sharing sessions, high-level dialogues, the 2024 Science and Technology Innovation Technology Matching Conference, enterprise roadshows, and exhibitions of 19 scientific and technological achievements. The aim was to promote cooperation and exchange between Chinese and Malaysian technology enterprises, facilitating breakthroughs in bilateral technological innovation cooperation. Distinguished guests including YB Mohd Rafizi bin Ramli, Minister of Economic Affairs of Malaysia; YB Chang Lih Kang, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Malaysia; Ouyang Yujing, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Malaysia; Mr. Chen Youliang, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia; Mr. Zhang Jinsheng, CEO of TusHoldings and President of TusStar Northeast Asia, and Deputy Director of the Tsinghua Science Park Management Committee; and Datuk Dr Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff, CEO of MRANTI, attended the forum.

The Second China-Malaysia Science & Technology Innovation Summit attracted 2,500 onsite attendees and 30,000 online viewers, with participants from 7 countries including China, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, and Thailand. Six launch ceremonies were successfully conducted during the event, and over 60% of the participants expressed expansion needs in China and Malaysia, covering various aspects from marketing to technical support. The The Association of Graduates from Tsinghua University, Malaysia (AGTHUM) extends gratitude to TusStar for inviting us to be one of the joint organizers and congratulates the successful conclusion of the Second China-Malaysia Science & Technology Innovation Summit.

Our alumni and also the executive committee member Kuroshi and his company Easy On Air is one of the technology partners.


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